Religious Instruction is offered at Samford State School and is conducted for 30 minutes each week. Information regarding consent for your child’s participation in this program is collected at the time of enrolment.
Participation in RI is not compulsary. Students are allocated to RI based on information provided by parents on the completed Application for Student Enrolment unless other written instructions have been provided to the school.
There are three options available to our students:
Option One - The non-denominational Combined Churches Program
A non-denominational religious instruction program run within departmental guidelines for co-operative agreements. The program is organised by local Christian church communities. Approved and trained instructors are accredited by these local churches. The lessons use the bible to explore where the students fit into school and community life and to reflect the place of religion in Australian society, with an emphasis on tolerance and compassion and celebrations such as Christmas and Easter.
Option Two – The Baha’i Program
With a focus on “…the unity of God, unity of the Messengers of God and the unity of humanity, students learn about the role they can play in bringing about peace. Students in this class study the spiritual laws common to all religions and learn about the basic human virtues (e.g. truthfulness, love, equality, unity, justice, honesty, obedience, prayerfulness, purposefulness and kindness), upon which these laws are based.”
Option Three
Students not participating in either of the above programs will do classroom work independently under the supervision of a teacher.