


The fact that our school is located at the end of two cul-de-sacs creates some unique car parking problems. With your patience and co-operation we can keep congestion to a minimum and maintain a safe environment for our children travelling to and from school.

Listed below are some points that will help with our traffic problems:-

  • Stagger your arrival and departure times to try to avoid peak times by bringing your child early and picking them up a little later.
  • Use the Brisbane Bus Lines services where possible – less cars, less congestion.
  • Reverse parking is recommended in the car parks – (1) this provides better visibility for cars exiting their car parks as the higher, rear-ends of 4-wheel drives in particular, are closest to the curb; (2) your children will be collecting their bags from boots at the curb, not near moving vehicles; (3) reversing when parking rather than when exiting into moving traffic is a much easier and safer method.
  • Use the set-down / pick-up areas located off School Road. (Please be aware that this is not a parking area, it is a loading zone and therefore a two-minute time limit applies. Overstaying your time limit can have the effect of blocking the feeder lane to the car park.)
  • Make sure your child is aware of their pick-up arrangements in the afternoon. If you are collecting them from the pick-up zone let them know to be looking out for you. Don’t arrive right on 3pm expecting them to be there, it takes children at least 10 minutes to reach the front gate. If they are not there, please move on and allow the next car to pick up their passengers.
  • Teach your child to use the pedestrian crossing correctly, stopping to check if any cars are coming. This is particularly important to those children attending swimming lessons. If possible they should use the concrete path in the school grounds – not go through the car park.
  • Unless otherwise directed by the school administration, only staff and service vehicles are permitted to enter the school grounds. The exception being those parents dropping-off or collecting children from Outside School Hours Care before 7.30am and after 4.00pm.
  • Parents are requested not to use the bus bays or bus turnaround to park or deliver children to school. The roundabout is a NO STANDING area.

Trentham Place is an alternative parking point for parents. All children should wait inside the school grounds until their lift arrives. If you have to park on the opposite side of the street, please assist your child to cross the road as Trentham Place can become very congested at peak times making visibility for both child and driver very dangerous.

Always drive at 40 km/h in both School Road and Trentham Place.

Last reviewed 05 May 2020
Last updated 05 May 2020