Brisbane Bus Lines operates a before school and after school service for students at the Samford State School. The Brisbane Bus Lines office looking after the local area, such as Samford, Dayboro and Ferny Grove is located in Enoggera. Their contact details are at the bottom of the page.
Bus Passes & Fares
All school children are able to travel on the bus.
To be eligible for free transport, school children must reside more than 3.2 km from the school. Please note, the Bus Travel Assistance application form must be processed and a pass issued before using this free service.
In some cases, a student will be required to pay for their travel. These instances are when;
The minimum fee for a primary school student is $1. The bus driver of the route will accept the fare at the time of travel.
Students issued with a bus pass are required to carry their pass whenever using the service.
If a pass is lost or misplaced, parents are asked to contact their particular driver. There is a fee for providing a replacement pass.
Passes are automatically reissued to primary students every year. Because of this, variations to the details submitted in the initial application form must be communicated to Brisbane Bus Lines. For example, change of address, change of school, changes to nominated travel days.
Students entering high school will need to submit a new Bus Travel Assistance form.
Bus Routes
In the interests of child safety, bus routes are not available for publication. Brisbane Bus Lines will discuss the best pick-up and drop-off stops when contacted directly.
Application Forms
To apply for free transport - Bus Travel Assistance Application Form
This form can also be obtained from the school office.
For timely processing, post it directly to the Brisbane Bus Lines office, email as an attachment, or you can fax it. Contact information is listed below.
Passenger Code of Conduct
Under the Transport Act, a driver may refuse to transport a child for misconduct. Please assist us to ensure this step doesn't need to be taken, by offering your child some helpful advice regarding acceptable standards of behaviour when travelling on a bus. Complaints relating to discipline on School Buses ought, in the first instance, to be directed to the Principal.
Catching the Bus Home from School

At Samford State School there is a marshalling area for students catching the bus. As soon as school is finished for the day, students are asked to make their way directly to the undercover area of the library Resource Centre. Children may find it tempting to stop and catch up with friends, or detour via the play equipment for some fun This can result in missing the bus. Waiting in the correct bus route line at the marshalling area is the best way to ensure everyone makes it home on time.
Bus leaders are elected from Year 6. They assist children to wait in their correct lines and assist during the trip home. They provide a great service and young children especially appreciate their leadership.
Heavy rain during bus travel times can delay bus arrival times. If you are concerned about your child's arrival time, you can call the school office, or contact Brisbane Bus Lines for the latest information.
Brisbane Bus Lines Contact Details
Fax |
(07) 3354 3067 |
Office Location |
26 Pickering Street, Enoggera |
Postal Address |
PO Box 141, Alderley, 4051 |
Email Address | |